Multi-window API for Qt

Includes title bars, headers, tabs, docking, themes and more...

Tabbed title bars

Add tabs, buttons, dropdown menus, and custom widgets to a fully functional MainWindow title bar

Let the API manage your tab lists automatically; includes filters, quick-select and close options

Custom tab buttons

Add additional buttons or other widgets to your tabs; each tab supports multiple insertion points

Multi-window docking

Improve user efficiency with application layout control

Tabs can dock anywhere within your application, snapped to any screen edge or moved to another MainWindow.

MainWindows also support panels; these areas surround the central docking zone and restrict their tabs to the current window only

Fully configurable

The API makes its internal settings publicly accessible, including logging, features, themes, and behaviors

Automatic icon color

Theming your application is easier than ever. The API can automatically update your icon colors to match your current theme. Two main themes are included, these can be customized and your can also add your own.

Try our API today!

Our user interface is free to use or you may choose purchase a license. The license removes a watermark and supports the API's development.